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How to Do Physiotherapy at Home for Knee Pain?

How to Do Physiotherapy at Home for Knee Pain?

December 5, 2023

Persistent knee pain can make it challenging to do everyday activities. However, opting for physiotherapy at home can be a fantastic alternative to frequent hospital visits, as it saves time and is more convenient for you. In this article, we’ll explore how physiotherapy at home for knee pain can significantly improve mobility while providing tailored exercises. Moreover, we’ll also discuss essential safety precautions that must be observed when performing effective therapeutic exercises at home.


Major Causes of Knee Pain:

Before we get into details, it is important to figure out the major causes of knee pain. It can be caused by various factors such as arthritis, injuries, age factor and many more. This pain can greatly impact one’s daily activities, leading to discomfort and limited mobility. That’s where physiotherapy comes in. It effectively manages knee pain by providing targeted treatments and exercises that alleviate pain and restore mobility.


Common Knee Exercises for Pain Relief:

We have compiled a list of effective exercises that can be performed at home under the guidance of a physiotherapist to alleviate knee pain. It is important to follow proper safety tips and practice these exercises regularly for optimal results.


1. Quad Sets Exercise: 

Quad Sets Exercise

Find a comfortable seated or lying position. Contract your thigh muscles by tightening them for a few seconds, then gradually release the tension and allow the muscles to relax completely. Repeat this exercise multiple times to target your quadriceps and improve muscle strength and control.


2. Straight Leg Raises Exercise: 

Straight Leg Raises Exercise

Start by lying down on your back. Slowly lift one leg straight off the ground, making sure to keep your knee extended and avoid bending it. Hold the position for a few seconds, then lower the leg back down. This exercise helps target your quadriceps and hip flexors, enhancing stability and promoting leg strength. Repeat on the other leg for a balanced workout.


3. Hamstring Curls Exercise:


How to Do Physiotherapy at Home for Knee Pain?

To perform hamstring curls, stand straight with your feet hip-width apart. Bend one knee, bringing the heel up towards your buttocks. Slowly lower your leg back down and repeat the movement with the other leg. This exercise strengthens the muscles at the back of your thighs, contributing to knee stability and helping alleviate pain caused by knee problems.


4. Range of Motion Exercises: 

Range of Motion Exercises

Two range of motion exercises that you can incorporate into your routine are heel slides and knee extensions. Heel slides involve lying down on your back and sliding one heel towards your buttocks, bending the knee, and then slowly straightening it. Repeat this motion with the other leg.

Knee extensions can be performed while sitting on a chair or lying down. Straighten your knee as much as possible, hold that position for a few seconds, and then slowly release and bend your knee again. These exercises aim to improve flexibility and joint mobility in the knee, ensuring a full range of motion.


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Physiotherapy at Home for Knee Pain


Safety Precautions and Tips:

When engaging in physiotherapy exercises at home, it is important to consider several safety precautions. Consult a healthcare professional before starting any exercise program, especially if there are underlying medical conditions.  They can provide guidance on suitable exercises and modifications tailored to individual needs. It is important to begin slowly and avoid excessive exercises that cause excessive pain.



Physiotherapy at home for knee pain is highly beneficial for managing knee problems. By overcoming the causes of knee pain and using targeted exercises, you can improve your knee health. Seeking professional physiotherapy assistance is always encouraged to address any concerns or queries. Take proactive steps towards providing the care and support necessary for alleviating knee pain and restoring mobility.

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