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Caring for the Elderly Blog

Diabetes Friendly Diet

4 Effective Diabetes-Friendly Diet Plans You Should Try

Have you ever heard that fruits are off-limits for people with diabetes? Or maybe someone told you that rice is forbidden and underground vegetables are unsafe? These are just a few of the many misconceptions, deeply ingrained in our culture. The truth is, that these myths are not only limiting but can also prevent you from making healthy and enjoyable food choices.

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how can seniors deal with insomnia

How Seniors Can Deal With Insomnia? Try These Tips for a Better Sleep

Many people with insomnia struggle to fall asleep, stay asleep, or get back to sleep once they wake up in the middle of the night. Perhaps you’re thinking there must be a way to make things easier and yes there is. I’m here to share some practical tips along with Islamic guidance that can help you say goodbye to restless nights and embrace peaceful, calming sleep.

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How to Prevent Bedsores in Elderly Patients at Home?

How to Prevent Bedsores in Elderly Patients at Home?

Your loved one or person you are caring for might be spending more time in bed. Maybe because they are ill, have limited mobility, or recovering from injury or surgery. Now what you need to watch out for is the condition that we call bedsores, pressure ulcers, or pressure injuries.

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How to take care of your parents when you live abroad

Managing Elder Care When Living Abroad: A Guide for Overseas Pakistanis

If you are living abroad, you might feel guilty about leaving your parents behind, especially when they need your support the most. But what if we told you that you could still do so much for them, just as if you were there in person? There are around 9 million Pakistanis living overseas. Do you think they have left their aging parents and children without support? Certainly not! Instead of regretting your absence, take action to show your love practically.

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